Saturday, 31 October 2015

Holocaust Education Week Nov 2-9

The week of November 2 to 9, inclusive, marks the 35th annual Holocaust Education Week. The focus of this year’s Holocaust Week is Liberation: Aftermath & Rebirth. The purpose of this week has historically been to raise awareness and encourage remembrance of the atrocities perpetrated against the Jewish people during the Nazi regime, in the hope of encouraging remembrance and denouncing intolerance of all people.

During this week we also want to acknowledge those who were also targeted by this regime as a result of their social identities. People of colour, the Roma (commonly referred to as Gypsies), people with physical disabilities, and those who identified as LGBTQ were also subjected to intolerance and persecution in Europe. We encourage parents to discuss the Holocaust of World War II, the many different people who stood for social justice for all, and also the many other forms of genocide, world-wide in the past and present, as means of working towards the end of intolerance, discrimination and hatred.

Hallowe'en Dance-a-thon

Friday's Dance-a-Thon was a spooktacular success! The gym was alive with ghosts, goblins, princesses, and superheroes. Thank you to Mrs. Haynes and Mrs. Decimelli for their work in organizing the event for all of our staff and students.
Many students also participated in Hallowe'en related activities in their classrooms this week. Below are just a few examples of their creativity.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Letter from the Director

Below is our Director's letter regarding the escalation of job sanctions by the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO). This letter was also sent home in a hard copy with students on Monday.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Photo Retake Day November 3rd

Photo proofs are here and have been sent home with the students today. At this time, we request that where possible, families use the on-line ordering option outlined on the photo proof order form, as our ability to efficiently collect money within the school is somewhat limited at the moment. 

If you are dissatisfied with your child's photo, retake day will be the morning of Tuesday, November 3rd. If you are requesting a retake, please leave a note in your child's agenda and also let your child know that they are expected to get a retake when their class is notified that it is their photo retake time slot on that day.


Hallowe'en Dance-a-thon Friday October 30th

The staff and students of Trillium Woods will be participating in our annual Hallowe'en Dance-a-thon on Friday, October 30th. With the help of a professional DJ, students will strut their stuff in the gym at some point during the school day. School dances are a great way to promote a positive climate for learning and participate in a fun and healthy active lifestyle.

Students are welcome to wear a costume on the day of the dance-a-thon, but as always, please no masks or weapons as part of that costume as both pose a safety risk. 

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Mathletics Skills Competition 2015-2016

York Region students are invited to exercise their math abilities in a contest and apply their math skills to solve engineering problems for fun & prizes on Saturday, November 14, 2015 at Sir William Mulock Secondary School, 705 Columbus Way, Newmarket, Ontario L3X 2M7.

AMD Mathletics has two levels of competition:

Junior level (9:30 AM to 1:00 PM) – Open to students that are currently in grades 6 and below (intended for grades 5 and 6 – based on grade 5 curriculum)

Senior level (2:00 PM to 5:30 PM) – Open to students that are currently in grades 7 or 8 (based on grade 7 curriculum)

• Each level includes an AMD session with an opportunity to win additional prizes

Registration fee is $15 per entrant. Online registration starts on Sunday October 24 at 8 AM and ends when all seats are sold or Saturday November 7 at 5 PM whichever comes first.

For additional information and registration go to the following link 

Monday, 12 October 2015

Grade 8 Information Evenings

There are several information evenings for grade 8 students and families to learn about the various program offerings for grade 9 students in 2016-2017.

Below are some of the information evening dates for our local high schools and specialty programs. For a full listing of all high school grade 8 information evenings, click here.

Richmond Hill High School: January 12, 2016, 7:00 p.m.
Arts Alexander Mackenzie @ The Richmond Hill Performing Arts Centre: October 21, 2015, 7:00 p.m.
Bill Crothers Secondary School High Performance Athletics: October 15th, 7:00 p.m.


Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Go Blue Jays!

Thursday, October 8th will be Blue Jays spirit day. Students are invited to wear their blue, white, and Blue Jays gear to show their support as the Jays start on their journey to World Series champions! 






Late Arrivals

An important part of the learning process is for students to participate fully in classroom instruction and activities. This is why it is essential that students arrive to school on time and set themselves up for success. Late arriving students disrupt the class in progress, and also miss out on important instruction for their learning.

Our campaign to reduce late arrivals has been successful so far, but we continue to have several students who are arriving to school habitually late. Today's late count is 25.  We can do better Trillium Woods!

Safe Arrival Reminder

Please remember to phone the school to report that your child is going to be late or absent. When leaving a message please state your child’s name, spell your child’s name, teacher’s name, duration of the absence and the reason for the absence. The school office can be reached at 905-508-5215 any time day or night. If a future absence is planned (such as an appointment, vacation or religious holiday) please call the office and leave a message advising us of the absence. 

Students arriving late for school must check in at the office for a late slip before going to their classroom. 

In the event that your child is absent from school and the reason is unknown, the office will attempt to reach your home, work, cell and emergency contact numbers. Failing that, for your child’s safety, we will contact the York Regional Police. So please help us keep your children safe by keeping us informed!

Friday, 2 October 2015

Picture Day is October 7

Brush your hair and shine up your fancy shoes! Picture day is Wednesday, October 7th.