Thursday, 26 May 2016


Protect yourself against West Nile virus and Lyme disease!

If you are heading outdoors to keep active, go camping or work in your garden, protect yourself and your family against West Nile virus and Lyme disease. West Nile virus is spread to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito; Lyme disease is spread through the bite of an infected blacklegged tick.

What you can do:
• Cover up when you go outdoors with light coloured long sleeved shirts and pants
• Use an insect repellent containing DEET
• Check yourself and your children for ticks
• Remove attached ticks as quickly as possible
• Clean up standing water around your home where mosquitoes like to breed

You can still enjoy the great outdoors; just remember to Fight the Bite!

For more information about West Nile virus and Lyme disease, including the safe removal of ticks, contact York Region Health Connection 1‐800‐361‐5653, TTY 1‐866‐252‐9933 or visit: or

A Message from Our Trustee

As the school year comes to a close, I would like to thank you for all that you have done to help make this school year a successful one for our students.

We share a common goal - to give our young people every opportunity to reach their full potential, and we all have a role to play in supporting that goal.  However you choose to get involved, your engagement and support make a difference. We know that good schools become better schools when they are connected with families. 

Thanks to the ongoing efforts of our students, families, staff members and community partners, we are creating a welcoming, caring and inclusive learning environment that fosters student achievement and well-being.

As we move into summer, I encourage you to seek out opportunities to continue and complement the learning that takes place throughout the school year.  That could mean taking a nature walk, visiting a museum or reading a book.  Whatever your plans are over the next few months, I hope you have a safe, relaxing and enjoyable summer.  

Monday, 23 May 2016

Fun Fair

50/50 Draw - Details

This year as a part of the Fun Fair we are holding a 50/50 draw! Half of all monies raised will be going back to the school and the other half will go to our lucky winner! The draw will take place at 7:45 pm the evening of June 2nd at the Fun Fair.

Advance tickets may be purchased on School Cash Online from May 24th up to midnight on June 1st after which any remaining tickets will be available for sale at the Fun Fair.

Ticket Prices:

1 Ticket for $2
3 Tickets for $5
6 Tickets for $10
9 Tickets for $15
12 Tickets for $20
15 Tickets for $25
18 Tickets for $30
21 Tickets for $35
24 Tickets for $40

Buy them early for your chance to win!
Fun Fair

Food Ordering - Information

It's that time of the year again! Our annual fun fair has been scheduled for Thursday, June 2nd from 5-8 pm. There is so much to look forward to - music and dancing, face painting, bouncy castle & obstacle course, delicious Halal burgers and pizzas, a silent auction, and so much more!

This year food orders are being taken electronically and in advance on School Cash Online and will NOT be available for sale on the evening of the Fun Fair. 

All orders are due online by Monday May 23rd.

To purchase your meals please sign into your School Cash Online account and complete the steps below for each family member:

1.  Select the box beside each item to be ordered.
2.  Add 1 in the quantity box and ADD to Cart.
3.  If you require more than 1 of any item for an individual family, unclick previous choice and repeat steps 1 and 2 again.
4.  Complete steps 1 to 3 for all other family members.
5.  Once all orders have been entered and ADDED to Cart, please proceed to 
     Checkout and finalize your order.  
6.  Please also complete and return the hard copy order form below and return to your child’s teacher to help ensure your order accuracy.

Your food tickets will be sent home with your children prior to the event.

There will be water, Freezies, chips, a limited amount of pizza (cheese and pepperoni) and Bake Sale items available for sale that evening at the Fair.
Order and payment must be made online by May 23rd.
Please indicate # of items and return this portion to school by May 24th to ensure order accuracy.

Combo - Hamburger, Water, Chips _____@ $7.50
Combo - Jumbo Hot Dog, Water, Chips _____@ $7.50
Combo - Grilled Chicken Burger, Water, Chips _____@ $8.00
Slice - Cheese Pizza _____@ $2.50
Slice - Pepperoni  Pizza _____@ $3.00

Family Name: _________________________________________________________________________

Tickets to be sent home with:

Student Name_________________________________________________________________________

Grade _____________Teacher ___________________________________________________________

Fun Fair

BAKE SALE - Details

We are looking for peanut/nut free baked goods like cupcakes, cookies, brownies, muffins etc. Your donation needs to come with a full list of ingredients.

When and Where:
Your baked goods can be dropped off in the office on June 2nd. There will be somebody there from parent council to receive your donation.

We are looking forward to receiving lots of yummy goodies!

See you all on June 2nd from 5-8 pm at the Fun Fair!

Sunday, 22 May 2016


Members of our school community help us out in so many ways! 

 For example, you may have:
*helped in our classrooms
*went on field trips
*Scientist in the School
*school council members
*prepared materials at home
*helped in the library
*helped with pizza lunches
*lunch time supervisors
*sports team supporters (drivers and fans)
*volunteer readers
*safety officers
*bus drivers

You are all cordially invited to attend the Trillium Woods Appreciation Tea as a small token of our gratitude.

When:              Monday May 30, 2016
                        10:15 am - 10:45 am                               
Where:             In the Staff Room

Why:               We appreciate your help!!!!

Please let us know if you are able to attend by May 25th     

Thursday, 19 May 2016

It's that time of the year again! Our annual fun fair has been scheduled for Thursday, June 2nd. There is so much to look forward to - from music and dance, face painting, delicious halal burgers and pizzas, a silent auction, and so much more!
Mark your calendars for Thursday, June 2nd.
We need volunteers to help run and/or supervise games, events and activities at the fun fair. If you are interested in helping out, please contact us at:
Silent Auction:
Have any new/unopened items or unused gift cards to donate to the silent auction or kids' raffle. Or maybe you have a connection with a business/organization that might provide a corporate donation or item(s) of products or services please contact us
Do you know any local vendors who would be interested in renting a table at our Fun Fair to sell products.
We are looking for vendors who can showcase: crafts, jewelry, clothing, etc. There will be a fee of $65 per table and all funds generated from the sales are the property of the vendor.
All items must be appropriate for school aged children. The school has the right to restrict sales of any items that are deemed inappropriate.
Contact us to reserve your table at: or Call Shaheen @ 647.861.7292
Bake Sale
Dust off those hidden recipe books for your favorite baked goods and desserts. This year we want to show case some of the different ethnic foods in our school. We would love to get your support by baking your favorite item and donating them so they can be sold at the Fun Fair.
More details about the what and where will follow, for now start looking for those great recipes (PEANUT FREE ONLY PLEASE!)

40th Thornhill Village Festival

Saturday, September 17th 2016

The annual Thornhill Village Festival fosters community spirit, promotes the heritage of old Thornhill, and provides a venue for the celebration of our community's diverse cultural traditions.

There are booth spaces for Crafters, Community groups, Local business and politicians. 

Check out …

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Grades 4-8 Track and Field is this Week!
On Wednesday, May 18th, we will be holding our annual Track and Field day for students in grades 7-8, and on Thursday, May 19th, students in grades 4-6 will be participating (Rain date – Friday, May 20th).

Students will compete in all events and are encouraged to focus on their personal best.

Please ensure that your child comes to school prepared to be outside for the entire day with the appropriate clothing (hat, and weather appropriate attire), sunscreen and a water bottle. We will run events all morning and then continue the remainder of the events in the afternoon.

It is extremely important for students to arrive on time to school and have nutritious snacks and lunch. Students who must go home for lunch, need to return to school on time to ensure they are not late for the afternoon events.

We are looking forward to two very fun and active days!

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Junior Girls’ Basketball

The Junior Girls’ Basketball Team had a very rewarding season playing games against local schools and participating in the Kettle Lakes and Crosby Tournaments. They also competed in the Area Tournament. Mrs. Jacobs, Mr. Hildebrandt and Mrs. Godwin are so proud of the effort, hard work and skill that this team of players demonstrated throughout the season. We want to thank the following girls for representing Trillium Woods with such great character at every game and tournament: Nia B., Tara D., Iman F., Milana F., Luxsmy J., Danae J., Sarah K., Jamie L., Aimee K., Niketha N., Hiba S., Emily T., and Angela Y.   We would also like to thank the parents who drove students to practices, games and tournaments. We couldn’t have done it without your support.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Feeling Groovy Book Fair

Thank you to Parents, Students and Staff for your support and participation in our recent Book Fair.

While encouraging the Love of Reading and growth of literacy skills in our students you enabled our Library to earn $1350.00 in resources from Scholastic and $1100.00 in cash, to gain new educational resources to support student programming as well as student interests.

Thank you as always for your kind support.