Saturday, 14 November 2015

Kindergarten Registration begins January 15

Kindergarten registration for 2016-2017 begins January 15th. If you have a child entering kindergarten for the first time, please stop by the office to pick up the required forms.
The York Region District School Board welcomes you and your child to our schools. We are proud to be one of Ontario’s top achieving school districts and to provide quality educational programs for all our students. Kindergarten is a big step on the journey of learning and this is an exciting time for you and your child. We strongly believe that forming strong partnerships with our parent community is a main factor in achieving success; and encourage you to engage in your child’s education.

The York Region District School Board’s mission is to advance student achievement and well-being through public education, which motivates learners, fosters inclusion, inspires innovation and builds community. We look forward to having your child join us and working with you toward his/her success.