Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Building Resiliency

What is resiliency?
Resiliency is defined as the ability to bounce back and be adaptable to new situations and challenges.

10 Ways to Build Resiliency with Your Child 
1. Be empathetic.
2. Communicate effectively and listening actively.
3. Change negative scripts.
4. Love your children in ways that help them feel special and appreciated.
5. Accept your children for who they are and helping them set realistic expectations and goals.
6. Help your children experience success by identifying and reinforcing their “islands of competence.”
7. Help your children recognize that mistakes are experiences from which to learn.
8. Develop responsibility, compassion and a social conscience by providing children with opportunities to contribute.
9. Teach your children to solve problems and make decisions.
10. Discipline in a way that promotes self-discipline and self-worth.