Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Increasing Resiliency and Well-Being in our Children - Parent Workshop

Labour Update

The following message was released from York Region's Director of Education today. Hard copies will be sent home with students tomorrow.

Monday, 28 September 2015

Federal Election Polling Station at Trillium Woods

Our school will serve as a polling station for the upcoming Federal Election being held on Monday, October 19, 2015.

We are pleased to host members of our community who will come and vote at our school.  It provides a wonderful opportunity to discuss the democratic process with students.  We encourage you to talk to your children about the important role voting plays in Canadian democracy.

As we will have community members attending our school to vote, you may see increased traffic around the school, as well as reduced parking.  We will be doing everything possible to minimize disruptions. 

Additional Safe Welcome security measures will be in place to ensure the safety of the students while the building is open to the public during the instructional day.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Bill Crothers Secondary School Information Evening for Grade 8 Students

Bill Crothers Secondary School (BCSS) is a system-wide high school with a focus on healthy active living and sport. The school is open for Grade 9 to 12 students. Students and parents from across the region are invited to attend an information evening.  Information will be shared regarding the vision, mission, schedule, programs, the transfer policy, and application process.

 All information sessions for Richmond Hill residents will occur on Thursday October 15th, 2015 at Bill Crothers Secondary School, 44 Main Street, Unionville, Ontario, L3R 2E4 from 7 – 8:30 in the cafeteria.

Parking is limited so BCSS ask that parents consider carpooling or parking at the GO Station. Markham By-law officers regularly enforce the parking regulations on the high school property, so please abide by the posted parking regulations.

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Introducing the School Council Executive

The 2015-2016 Trillium Woods School Council voted on the new school council executive on Thursday evening. (Click here to for the agenda)

Your new school council members for 2015-2016 are:

* Tara Schvalb - Chair
* Aya Utahara - Treasurer
* Sahar Nikmanesh - Parental Engagement
* Marleen Clements - Communication Coordinator
* Lopa Banerjee - Secretary
Mehrnoush Nazaharar
Jianhua Sun
Xiaohui Zhang
Daniel Ye
Shaheen Datoo
Rebecca Shory
Laura Wong
* indicates executive 
Please note that one of the acclaimed school council seats is now vacant. At this time, the council requests that interested community members send a communication indicating as such to by Wednesday, September 30. School council core members should commit to attending at all school council meetings, usually held on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30. School council core members maintain voting rights and responsibilities for matters that may require decision by the council.

As always, all parents are welcome to attend our school council meetings and join in the discussion, as well as volunteer for the many activities and events that the school or school council provides and promotes at Trillium Woods P.S.

Monday, 21 September 2015

A Letter From The Director Regarding Primary Class Size Reduction

As every year, we have new students registering and moving over the summer months which changes class sizes and structures. We will be reviewing class sizes this week to determine if a reorganization is necessary for our school. Please see the letter below from our director regarding The Ministry Primary Class Size Reduction Strategy. A copy of this letter has been sent home with all students today.