Monday, 21 September 2015

School Council Membership

Each year, our parent community elects the core 13 school council members. The core members commit to attending each council meeting and have voting participation responsibility. We have had fewer than 14 candidate nominations this September so all nominees will be acclaimed to our 2015-2016 school council.

Our 2015-2016 school council members will be:

Lopa Banerjee, Jianhua Sun, Xiaohui Zhang, Daniel Ye, Shaheen Datoo, Tara Schvalb, Marleen Clements, Aya Utahara, Rebecca Shory, Laura Wong, Sahar Nikmanesh, Darian Nazaharar, Jun Zhang

Our first meeting will be held on Thursday, September 24th at 6:30 p.m.. At this time, the council will elect the executive positions of chair, treasurer, and secretary.

All parents are welcome and encouraged to join in the discussion at our school council meetings. It is a great way to participate in the school community and learn about the events and activities that take place in our building.